Hongyu Miao

Dr. Miao is tenured Professor of College of Nursing, Florida State University. With PhD in engineering and MS in biostatistics, his research centers around excelling in statistical data learning of interpretable patterns and mechanisms for population and individual health improvement. Specially, he is an expert in statistical learning, network analysis, time series, and big complex data with applications in digital health, clinical trial, systems biology, infectious disease, and neural development and disorder. He has led or been leading multiple research projects as PI or Co-PI, including NSF/NIH funded programs. He previously served as the Modeling Core Co-Director of the Center for Biodefense Immune Modeling (CBIM, 2010-2015) and Associate Director for Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Core for the Center for AIDS Research (CFAR, 2013-2015) at University of Rochester. He was the Director of Data Science Education Program (DSEP) and the Director of Biostatistics Collaboration and Data Service Center (CBCDS) at UTHealth School of Public Health (2017-2021). He has published 80+ peer-reviewed journal articles on both prestigious statistical and artificial intelligence journals (e.g., JASA, AOS, SIAM REV, IEEE TPAMI). He designed and/or implemented more than 10 clinical trials for new drug/device development. He served or is serving on multiple international/ national conference committees, NIH/NSF grant review panels, and he was the former Secretary of Houston Chapter of the American Statistical Association (HACASA, 2016-2020). Also, Dr. Miao has developed and taught more than 10 different courses, (co-)supervised 5 post-doctoral fellows, and (co-)mentored 20+ graduate students. Dr. Miao has always been looking forward to making a higher and profound impact on healthcare research and education with his multidisciplinary expertise and experience.