Programs & Labs

CPSHE Affiliated Programs and Labs

At CPSHE, our programs serve as an extension of groundbreaking research conducted by our affiliated scholars. These initiatives are designed to address pressing health disparities and empower communities through evidence-based interventions. By bridging research with real-world applications, our programs create lasting impacts locally and globally.

Florida FIRST

Florida State University's FIRST program (Florida FIRST) supports the expansion of FSU faculty by recruiting new tenure-track assistant professors. The FLORIDA FIRST Brigade implements a systems-level approach to support individual faculty research and career development within their cohort and collaborative networks that can be replicated through sustainable changes to the university environment.

Context Lab

The Context lab, founded by CPSHE researcher Dr. Haughbrook, explores the intersection of context and genetics and their influence on whole child development. They specifically look at outcomes like academic achievement, physical health, and mental health development and conducts research via a Bioecological Systems Theory approach.