Amanda Gabster

Post Doctoral Scholar
Amanda Gabster

Contact Information

Amanda Gabster, PhD is commencing a postdoctoral scholar position at the Center of Population Sciences for Health Equity.  Dr Gabster was a researcher at the Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies in Panama since 2012. Her ongoing research focuses primarily on sexual health, STI and HIV, as well as behavioral, social, cultural, and structural determinants of infectious disease.  Outcomes from Dr. Gabster´s research strive to inform interventions for populations in Panama, including access to services, care, and control of ongoing transmission of infectious disease. Dr. Gabster received her PhD and MSc in Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK).  

Dr. Gabster's ongoing research includes understanding barriers to ART access and HIV care among Indigenous and key populations, prevalence studies of STIs among diverse populations, disease prevalence and health needs among migrant people in transit, as well as gender-based violence and intimate partner violence among specific populations in Panama.