Casey D. Xavier Hall

Assistant Director, Assistant Professor (He/Him)

Contact Information

College of Nursing

Dr. Xavier Hall (KAY-see shah-vee-AIR HALL) has expertise in mixed-methods community-based research addressing sexual, gender, and racial health disparities. Broadly speaking his work addresses multilevel influences on sexual health, violence, and mental health. 

His work has been funded by National Institutes of Health, SAMSHA, private foundations, and the Food and Drug Administration. He is the contact PI for an ongoing R01 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse titled "Characterizing Intersectional Geospatial Stigma and Affirmation Landscapes and their Influence on Black and Latino Bisexual Men At Risk for Substance Abuse and HIV" (1R01DA059240-01A1, PI: Xavier Hall). He is also a recipient of the NIH Loan Repayment Program from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (1L60HL170367-01; PI: Xavier Hall). Dr. Xavier Hall is a member of the Racial and Ethnic Minority Acceleration Consortium for Health Equity (REACH) at the FDA’s Office of Minority Health and Health Equity including 2 past funded projects focused on diversity in clinical trial participation (1U01FD007784, PI: Xavier Hall; 5U01FD007976,  PI: Millender, role: MPI). 

Dr. Xavier Hall has considerable experience in global health including past projects in Burkina Faso, People's Republic of China, Haiti, India, Uganda, Tanzania, and Tajikistan. He has ongoing collaborations in Brazil, Panama, and Vietnam. 

Beyond his observational work, Dr. Xavier Hall’s work strives to increase access to culturally appropriate care and interventions especially among racial, sexual and gender minorities including aging populations, survivors of violence, and people living with HIV.