Jon Mills

Research Faculty
Jon Mills

Contact Information

Department of Behavioral Science and Social Medicine College of Medicine

Dr. Mills came to Florida State University in 2019 after completing three years of postdoctoral training on a National Institute of Health T32 STD/HIV Training Grant (T32 AI007001) at the University of North Carolina’s Institute of Global Health of Infectious Diseases in Chapel Hill. Prior to his postdoctoral appointment, Dr. Mills completed his PhD in Health Services Research (2016) at the University of Florida.

Dr. Mills’ broad research objective is to reduce health inequities among vulnerable populations with a particular emphasis on people with HIV (PWH) suffering from psychiatric comorbidities. He has considerable expertise working towards this objective using multiple types of complex secondary data (“Big Data”) in conjunction with design, theory and advanced quantitative methodology (casual inference with observational data) from the fields of epidemiology and health services research. Currently, Dr. Mills plans to utilize “Big Data” in conjunction with state of art analytic methods to assess the uptake of evidence-based practices in the treatment of trauma related psychiatric comorbidity in real world settings among PWH.

Area of Expertise: HIV and mental health, HIV and trauma, causal inference with observational data, "Big Data" 

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